Company Profile/About SSI

Do all your employees understand your company wide dress policy?
Does you sales team know how to look, speak and behave?
Do all your employees understand the difference between professional and business casual attire?
 Do your employees communicate effectively and display proper business etiquette?
Do all your employees project a polished image?

An employee's business attire, communication, and behavior can maximize a companies potential, growth and profitability. Leaders of a company spend hundreds, thousands even millions of dollars researching, implementing and restructuring a company to thrive and become profitable but they overlook an important factor in their success, investing in their employees. Companies need to bring awareness to their employees that their attire, communication skills and behavior are critically important. It is important to remember the service or product is ultimately what the customer or client wants but initial perception and communication may divert the customer or client, which affects your bottom line.

Investing in your employees' development is a win/win combination. Your employees have a better moral and the company has cultivated a united internal operation that will help make the company successful!

Successful Style & Image can help your organization! We educate your employees to promote the polished image that your company wants to communicate. Our seminars give your employees a comprehensive understanding, awareness, and guide to proper business attire, intercommunication and business etiquette.

Successful Style & Image, Inc.
Toll Free:1-866-971-7152

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