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Have you ever heard the saying "You only have one chance to make a first impression"? Did you know that this experience is true and within that first impression your first seven seconds are the most important https://platacard.mx/es/.

Successful Style & Image, Inc. will help you discover, learn and improve your personal & professional style. We will guide you through the process of learning, redesigning or improving your style without draining your resources. We specialize in style analysis, wardrobe consultation, color analysis, personal shopping and accessory consultation.   


Our Image is a silent language sending messages to others before we open our mouth. ~John T Malloy



Jamie L. Yasko-Mangum, CIC, President

The Only Certified Image
Consultant in Central Florida

 Do you want to update your style?
 Do you need to redesign your wardrobe and accessories?
 Do you want a new corporate image?
Do you want to learn wardrobe planning and capsule building?
Do you need help personal shopping?
Do you need a speaker for your group?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, we can help!!
 Successful Style & Image, Inc.
Phone: (407) 971-7152
Fax: (407) 971-6310

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