Successful Style & Image, Inc

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Know your body type:


Are you?

Broad Shoulders Narrow Shoulders Short Waist
Long Waist Heavy Arms Thin Arms
Broad Hips Narrow Hips Short
Tall Thin Heavy

  Your body type is important. Your overall look needs to balance your figure. Do not buy clothes just because they are fashionable, buy clothes that compliment you.

   It is essential to build a good basic wardrobe, that means investing in your wardrobe. Buy separates which compliment your body and skin, and can make more than one outfit for you. Buy three pairs of slacks; black, blue and khaki. Buy three different blouses that compliment your coloring and body which also can be worn with all three slacks. You will now have nine different outfits.

Good Quality Clothing Does Not Have To Be Expensive

  Your outer image does not stop with just your wardrobe. Your personal style includes your accessories, makeup, nails and hair. Before you walk out that door make sure you are properly dressed for whatever occasion. A sure bet to know if you are dressed properly is by using The Fourteen Point System.


  When you dress each morning, try using the fourteen point system. If you have 11-14 points, you will be dressed properly. If you have 16 points, you may want to remove an article of clothing.

 Manicured nails

Call us and we will explain the 14 point system.
If you want to learn how to build an investment wardrobe,
for your body type, that compliments you,
without spending too much money,
Excellent Specials For First Time Clients!

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